Update service (subscription) - is a program update service. Licensee having a valid subscription service has the ability to use the latest version of purchased macro / add-in licenses:
- the first year after purchase - the service is free,
- in subsequent years, update year - 40% of the value of purchased licenses for macros / add-ins - at the Customer's request. 40% of the value counted from the basic - catalog, standard net license prices as at the date of sale of the macro/add-in, not counted from the promotional prices at which the Customer may have purchased the macro - the offer is valid only in the case of continuous subscription, i.e. the purchase of the update takes place in each subsequent year of license use from the moment of its purchase,
- in the following years the subscription year is valued individually at the Customer's request in the event of a lack of continuity of the subscription, i.e. purchase of the update,
- did not occur in each subsequent year counting from the date of purchase of the license,
- updates are sent each time only at the Customer's request.