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MacroSolid is an add-in dedicated to the 3D CAD SOLIDWORKS® system, in which macros that automate design work have been grouped. All solutions were created as a result of close cooperation with companies and developed directly with SOLIDWORKS® users. MacroSolid's functionalities include macros that automate the file generation process (e.g. DXF, SaveAs, DRW->PDF/DXF, Pic, Barcodes, SaveConfigAs), macros that shorten the time necessary to prepare project documentation (e.g. Properties, ExcelBOM2, WordReport, Print, etc.) as well as typically utility macros (e.g. Draw, Colors, SMProperties, SheetFormat, PicControl, MyPackAndGO). The MacroSolid add-in has the status of CERTIFIED Solution Partner.


01The MacroSolid add-in has the status of CERTIFIED Solution Partner

02All macros have been designed and programmed in such a way that by defining the default settings and completing the lists it is possible to quickly adjust the functionality to the design assumptions adopted in a given company. The add-in's functionalities work both with the active SOLIDWORKS® document (parts, assembly, drawing) by activating all or selected components, and with selected files of the indicated folder on the disk. Macros can be called without running windows, from previously prepared and saved default settings.

03MacroSolid is equipped with a special interface (BOM tab), whose task is to display the necessary data to verify the project and manage the functionalities of individual macros.

04The number of macros included in MacroSolid is systematically growing and subsequent versions of the existing ones are enriched with additional functionalities indicated by MacroSolid users. The proposed solutions can each time be adapted individually to the customer's needs.

05 Licenses for individual macros from the MacroSolid add-in can be purchased in packages of several selected macros or all macros as a complete add-in.


MacroSolid Ikony 1

Get data from the model, filter by component type, file properties, name and then sort them as needed. Decide what you want to display in the columns of the BOM table.


MacroSolid Ikony 2FROM VIEWS you will learn, among others: have you completed all properties, defined materials, used appropriate units of measurement, R and K coefficients for sheets, drawing formats. Decide on the next task.


MacroSolid Ikony 3

Define file properties, organize the FeatureManager tree, color models, generate PDFs, DXFs, STEPs, replace drawing formats, print ... in different modes of work with MacroSolid.


MacroSolid Ikony 4Generate a BOM for sheets, profiles, commercial elements, the entire project, sorted, with the image of the component. Configure the template and save the BOM to MS Excel®, MS Word®, PDF, CSV.


Using macros, you streamline the work and save a lot of time you can spend on designing and not clicking. WORK WITH MACROSOLID


MakroSolid Properties


MacroSolid DXF


MacroSolid PDF


MacroSolid SaveAs


MacroSolid Print


MacroSolid Colours


MacroSolid operacje 32x32


MacroSolid ExcelBOM2


MacroSolid WordReport


PROPERTIES macro - allows you to define, delete and replace both custom and configuration-specific properties in bulk.

In addition to supporting standard capabilities, i.e. entering SOLIDWORKS® formulas (e.g. $PRP:"SW-File Name") and / or values from predefined selection lists, this macro has been equipped with a number of functions that automate assigning properties that you will not find anywhere else. This includes: Qty., To the left/right of File name, To the left/right of Folder name, Numbers, Copy from cut lists, Copy from material, Folder name, My Parent, Active Document, MyID, From File name.

The property assignment can be based on whether the component is a part, assembly, sheet metal, or welded construction.

The macro window settings can be saved each time under any name, thanks to which a "base" is built filled with variants of property settings, which can be invoked in specific situations. .....READ MORE

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The DXF macro is a generator of DXF files of parts modeled with tools from the Sheet Metal tab.

The macro allows you to plan the name of the generated file based on data previously downloaded from the model, such as: material, sheet thickness, number of pieces or based on information from the file properties and the properties of cut elements. Thanks to the built-in functionalities, it is possible to organize / sort DXF files into subdirectories according to material, sheet thickness and information whether the sheet has bends or not.

The macro can suppress blind holes and replace counterbore and counterbore holes with regular ones, thanks to which DXF editing of non-standard sheets in external applications is shortened to the necessary minimum... READ MORE

DRW->PDF/DXF macro is a generator of PDF and DXF or DWG files from 2D drawings (SLDDRW).

The macro allows you to plan the name of the generated files and sort them according to the material defined in the model, sheet thickness, as well as information stored in the file properties. You can save the PDFs in the indicated location or in the same place as the component from which the files are generated.

Configure the macro according to your needs and save its settings under any name, and then use it by calling it from the CommandManager command bar or from the BOM tab.

In the BOM table, you can use the columns *Path to the drawing, *PDF, *PDF - date, *Drawing - Date of last save and *Sheet format. Remember about the filter that will allow you to show in the BOM table only those components that have 2D drawings. ... READ MORE

SaveAs macro is the bulk generation of files in the selected format. At the same time, four different file formats with a scheduled name can be generated from one macro setting, and for each of them, a target saving location can be defined. In the BOM tab, you can use the *STEP, *x_t, *SAT, *File columns to check whether project files have been generated after downloading data from the model.

SaveAs it is also a generator of STEP, IGES files from solids of a multibody model and DXF files from profiles.... READ MORE

The PRINT macro – the macro allows you to print 2D drawings from the active assembly model according to the structure of the component tree or drawings located in the selected folder on the computer disk. The macro recognizes the format of the drawing sheet and on this basis selects the printer, paper type and tray assigned to it. The built-in component selection filter by the type of component and the value of the selected file property gives you the option to print only the specific documentation you need... READ MORE

The COLORS macro allows you to color parts and/or walls with a previously prepared color defined on the list as: the name and three coordinates of the RGB color space model (R - red, G - green and B - blue). By default, the macro has been supplemented with colors from the RAL color system palette, commonly used in industry and trade.

Using the Colors macro boils down to selecting a component in the FeatureManager structure tree or a wall on a 3D model and selecting an appropriate, previously prepared color (one of the macro settings).

Along with defining a color on the model, it is possible to save its name and any other previously planned information to the file properties.... READ MORE

Quick marking of a technological operation, treatment, process or machine - in the general options of MacroSolid it is possible to define names and values that they can take (1). We have planned special columns in the BOM table. Double-clicking with the left mouse button (LMB) on the component cell, in the appropriate column, will "mark the technological operation, treatment or process" (2). Marking is understood here as defining file properties, e.g., LASER = x, BENDING = YES or NO. The functionality also supports defining operations taking into account their order... READ MORE

ExcelBOM and ExcelBOM2 - macros allow you to export the BOM bill of materials to an MS Excel® file. ExcelBOM2 functionality has two versions independent of each other. Windowed version running on the active document and version integrated with the BOM tab. ExcelBOM is a solution that includes components placed in the FeatureManager tree folders of the assembly tree.

Generate BOM for sheet metal parts, profiles, commercial elements, the whole project, a sorted one, with the component image. Configure the template and save the BOM to MS Excel®... READ MORE

WordReport2 macro allows you to export a BOM to a MS Word® file. The functionality has two independent versions. A windowed version running on the active document and a version integrated with the BOM tab.

WordReport2 integrated with the BOM tab is to transfer the entire BOM table to a .docx file. The page is divided into columns (from 1 to 6) for providing information and a photo for the component. WordReport2 uses pictures generated by the PIC macro or Barcodes macro barcodes. Configure WordReport2 for VIEW, set information for components and project information in header and run macro.... READ MORE


MacroSolid SortTree


MacroSolid SheetFormat


MacroSolid PicControl


MacroSolid CutProperties


MacroSolid MyPackAndGo


MacroSolid SMProperties


MacroSolid Pic


MacroSolid RunMacro




SortTree macro organizes the component structure in the SOLIDWOKRS® FeatureManager design tree.

The macro allows you to delete and create assembly model folders, move parts and assemblies to them, depending on the value of the selected file property or depending on the path to the file. Components are sorted by name or by selected file property. Folders can be placed at the top of the tree, below the origin, or at the bottom, above the constraints. You can also move all components excluded from the bill of materials to a separate folder... READ MORE

SheetFormat macro – allows you to replace 2D drawing sheet formats - SLDDRT. Sheets are replaced depending on the active sheet format (A4, A3, Custom) and the type of component (for parts, for assemblies). The SheetFormat macro also allows you to replace the .sldstd file in the properties of the document responsible for storing the so-called overall design standard. The functionality can be started from the BOM tab or directly from the macro settings window on the active part, assembly or drawing document... READ MORE

The PicControl macro is a solution that allows you to add graphics in bulk in the editing layer of the 2D drawing sheet of the project.

The macro supports up to four graphics at the same time, the first of which is selected directly from the file access path, while the subsequent ones are selected automatically from the indicated location depending on the property value. The width, height, and x and y coordinates of the graphics placement position are defined depending on the sheet format. When adding graphics, the macro names it appropriately, thanks to which it will be able to remove, modify, replace it in the next steps. You can use the macro to control 2D drawings, e.g., company logo, watermark, signature ;) ... READ MORE

CutListProperties it is used to supplement the properties of cut elements of welded structures in bulk. In addition to supplementing the standard properties that should be included in the cut elements of sheets metal and profiles (LENGTH, MATERIAL, ANGLE1, ANGLE2, MASS, Bounding box length, Bounding box width), the macro allows you to: copy the selected parent property, assign a subsequent number or text, create 3D bounding box. Particularly noteworthy are the additional functions that automate the property definition process, including replacing the property value according to the contents of the IfPropertiesThen.xlsx file, downloading the property value from the FromExcelBOM.xlsx file based on the name and material, or combining two properties. *Replace and *Index will be useful if you need better communication with the procurement department or ERP system.

CutListProperties has a special description configurator for sheets, thanks to which you can plan a property consisting of three elements, a prefix and separators... READ MORE

The MyPackAndGo macro automates the process of saving an assembly with new file names planned by the User.

The MyPackAndGo macro is an overlay to the "Pack and Go" functionality built into SOLIDWORKS. We have automated the ability to define names according to the adopted scheme. The name may consist of four parts, between which it is possible to define a separator. Five functions are available to assign a name component: Part Name, Cut Part Name, Material, Thickness for plates, Qty - number of parts in the assembly, Configuration, Today's date, Numbering. The value of the selected custom property can also be used in the name.

Particularly noteworthy is the possibility of automatically adding a number to the name, taking into account the order in the assembly structure tree and the nesting level (Numbering function).... READ MORE

The SMProperties macro is primarily used to automatically change the K coefficient and the bending radius R in sheet metal models, depending on the defined material and thickness.

Apart from the above the main functionality of the macro also allows you to identify potential production problems at the design stage, i.e., it allows you to detect problems related to e.g., with the minimum length of straight lines, minimum diameter of holes or checking whether the defined K coefficient and bending radius R coincide with the values defined in the table of parameters.... READ MORE

Macro PIC is a component photo generator. By default, .png files are saved in the "Pic" folder of the same location as the component from which the photo is generated, but in the macro settings you can plan the name and define the target saving path. These photos are used by MacroSolid functionalities, e.g., in MS Excel® or MS Word® reports. Related to the PIC macro is the functionality of Delete PIC photos or folders, and of hiding items in the graphics area that may cause incorrect "Fit to Screen". You can check in the *Pic column whether the photos have been generated... READ MORE

RunMacro is a tool to run your *.swp macro. Macros available for free on the web or from SOLIDWORKS API Help are typically macros that only work for the active document. RunMacro will allow you to connect them to the MacroSolid interface and thanks to this you will run your script on the filtered BOM table, on selected components of the BOM table or on files located in the indicated folder on your computer's disk... READ MORE

Barcodes is a barcode generator integrated with SOLIDWORKS®. The macro allows you to generate linear and 2D barcodes.

1D: Codabar, Code 11, Code 2 of 5, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, EAN 8, EAN 13, GS1-128 / EAN-128, Interleaved 2 of 5, ITF-14, MSI Plessey, USPS OneCode, PLANET, POSTNET, RM4SCC, UPC-A, UPC-E.

2D: Data Matrix, PDF 417, QR Code

Graphic files with codes can be saved with the planned name in the "Barcodes" folder next to the component file or in the indicated folder. You choose the type of code, define its size, but also the dimensions of the png file. For QR codes, you will configure the size, correction and version... READ MORE


DRAW 32x32


MacroSolid ProjectInfo 32x32


MacroSolid Engraving


MacroSolid SaveConfigAs


MacroSolid UnitSystems


MacroSolid OpenPath

Open Path

Jakosc pliku 32X32


MacroSolid Replace material


The Draw macro is our answer to the frequently asked question: "Is it possible to develop a macro that will prepare technical documentation for us?". Our answer is always the same: "Macro will not replace a human being, but yes. In a certain scope of work related to the development of technical drawings, an automaton can do the constructor's work."

We took up the challenge and started working on automating the generation of flat documentation. In the current version, the macro creates slddrw documents for each sldprt and sldasm model, starting from the selected drwdot template.

In the case of a part drawing, the macro can add two views with a defined name and location on the sheet, and a standard triple view. For assembly drawings, the macro can add one view with references and a bill of materials based on the .sldbomtbt template... READ MORE

In the BOM tab of the MacroSolid add-in, the ProjectInfo panel is provided, in which you can handle information about the project, i.e., order number, comments, project name, index, dimensions, production volume, assembly time, weight. You can save them to the custom properties of the active document by clicking on the button with the floppy disk icon, or by clicking the buttons to the right of the controls... READ MORE

The Engraving macro - used to add a text cut extrusion operation. Engraving text, defined by the user on the basis of e.g., file properties is added on the fixed face of the flatten operation... READ MORE

SaveConfigAs macro allows you to save each configuration of the model part to the sldprt file, step and x_t... READ MORE

UnitsSystem provides control over the units of measurement defined in the models. In the BOM tab, you can use the *Units column, which will display the document settings and highlight in red those that do not meet the assumptions stored in the macro window. You will run the macro for all components of the BOM table or for selected ones... READ MORE

The OpenPath macro locates where the component is saved with one click. The functionality is attached to the flyout toolbar when you click on a component in the FeatureManager design tree or on a face in the graphics area... READ MORE

ImageQuality allows you to control and define the image quality of documents by: selecting its value, maximum or minimum value, or by percentage position of the TrackBar slider. The *Image Quality column in the BOM tab will display the current image quality value and will be colored green, orange, and red depending on how close it is to a value that significantly increases file size, slows down graphics performance, and increases memory consumption... READ MORE

ReplaceMaterial enables automatic replacement of materials in model parts according to dependencies stored in the ReplaceMaterials.xlsx file, located in the installation folder of the MacroSolid add-in. In column A, you define the old names of materials, and in column B, the new ones for which the macro is to replace the old ones... READ MORE