RunMacro is a tool to run your *.swp macro. Macros available for free on the web or from SOLIDWORKS API Help are typically macros that only work for the active document. RunMacro will allow you to connect them to the MacroSolid interface and thanks to this you will run your script on the filtered BOM table (1), on selected components of the BOM table (2) or on files located in the indicated folder on your computer's disk.
All you have to do is define the path to the *.swp file, the name of the module and the name of the launch procedure (3). You have 40 presets where you can define the action independently for assemblies, parts, parts with flattened features (plates), parts marked as weldment, and 2D drawings.
You can decide which of the settings should be visible from the BOM tab (4).
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